9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (2024)

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (1)

Did you grow ground cherries (sometimes referred to as cape gooseberries or husk cherries) this year?

If you did, I’d bet you’re up to your eyeballs in pale yellow, papery husked goodness right about now, aren’t you?

And I’ll bet you’re wondering what on earth you’re going to do with all of them? Those little buggers seem to multiply when your back is turned.

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (2)

Or perhaps you stumbled across these odd little fruit-vegetable-berry things at a local market, and now you’re wondering what to do with these sweet snacks. You know, aside from slowly devouring them all one handful at a time.

I’ve got a few ideas that will help you put a serious dent in your ground cherry harvest.

Some recipes you can enjoy now, and some will help you enjoy these delightful golden treats long into the winter.

And one idea is straight from a farmer who swears he knows the best way to enjoy ground cherries.

Get your apron on and start pulling those husks off.

Don’t forget to save some seeds to grow next year’s harvest. If you’ve never grown ground cherries, it’s pretty easy to do. You can read all about it here.

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (3)

1. Cast Iron Skillet Ground Cherry Crisp

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (4)

Getting started, I think it’s essential to start on the right foot, and by the right foot, I mean dessert.

I love a cast iron skillet dessert recipe. As you can see from my roundup here.

Fruit crisp is one of my absolute favorite desserts. You can make a crisp with any fruit and ingredients you nearly always have on hand. It’s sweet, a little bit crunchy, a little bit chewy, and incredibly comforting.

This humble dessert ticks all the boxes under Perfect Dessert—bonus points if you add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I don’t know about you folks, but in our house, fruit crisp is fair game for breakfast. I mean, come on, it’s got fruit and oatmeal in it. That’s a breakfast food, right?

And ground cherries make for a fantastic fruit crisp. They work well on their own or if you don’t have enough, pair them with another fruit. They go great with apples, peaches, or pears. Give my ground cherry crisp recipe a try when you’re craving something warm and comforting for dessert. I can guarantee you’ll have an empty skillet before you can blink.


  • 3 cups of ground cherries, or ground cherries and another fruit to make 3 cups
  • 1 stick of cold butter, divided in half
  • 1 cup of brown sugar, divided in half
  • 4 tablespoons of flour, divided in half
  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon


  • Preheat your oven to 350F. In a cast iron skillet, melt half of the stick of butter over low heat then turn off. In a small bowl, toss the ground cherries with half of the brown sugar and half of the flour. Pour the fruit and sugar mixture into the skillet.
  • In the bowl, add the rest of the butter, brown sugar, flour, and the rolled oats and cinnamon. Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles small crumbs, then sprinkle the mixture over the fruit in the skillet.
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes in the oven or until golden brown and bubbly. Allow the crisp to cool for about 15 minutes before serving.

2. Ground Cherry and Roasted Beet Salad

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (5)

If you’re looking for a healthier option than turning your berries into dessert, ground cherries make an excellent addition to salads. They pair exceptionally well with roasted beets and goat cheese.

Add some pecans or pepitas, and you’ve got the perfect salad. Don’t forget to use those beet greens in your salad too.

Here are some more ways to use your beet harvest.

3. Ground Cherry Salsa

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (6)

It should come as no surprise that this cousin-to-the-tomato also makes great salsa. With basically the same ingredients, you can whip up a fresh and chunky batch of salsa that gives plain tomato salsa a run for the money.

Hayley over at Health Starts in the Kitchen walks us through this quick and easy recipe. I doubled the jalapeno in mine because I like my salsa hot. Don’t forget to let it chill in the fridge for a bit for the best flavor.

4. Chocolate Covered Ground Cherries

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (7)

These sweet little berries inspired me to create a truly decadent (and insanely easy to make) chocolate creation. With very little time and effort, you can create a stunning and delicious treat.

My chocolate covered ground cherries make for an impressive homemade gift too. Or eat them all by yourself and enjoy every last one. I’m not going to tell anyone.

5. Ground Cherry Coffee Cake

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (8)

The recipe is named the 10 Minute Ground Cherry Coffee Cake, but I’m telling you, I’ve made this thing twice, and it took me around 15-20 minutes to get it in the oven. And that’s using a food processor to make the topping. As the saying goes, your mileage may vary.

However, it’s definitely worth the extra five to ten minutes of effort. There is a reason I’ve made this twice in the last month. Because it’s incredible.

This cake is everything I love about coffee cake – moist with a dense crumb and a streusel topping loaded with nuts. The ground cherries take this cake to a whole other level.

If you manage to get this cake in the oven in ten minutes, let me know your secret.

6. Ground Cherry Jam

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (9)

Now, on to our own Lydia Noyes shows us how to make and preserve ground cherry jam.

This is an excellent way to enjoy the flavor of these fun little fruits long after the growing season has ended. Put up a few extra half-pints for the holidays, as ground cherry jam makes an excellent gift for those folks in your life who have everything. Because I’ll bet, they don’t have ground cherry jam.

Give it a try; it’s easy to make and fabulous on your morning toast.

7. Blistered Ground Cherries

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (10)

If you want a quick, tasty, and impressive appetizer, give this recipe a try. The result is a taste from somewhere with balmy breezes and turquoise waters. Move over shish*to peppers; there’s a new blistered dish in town.


  • Slices of toasted bread such as a baguette or Italian bread
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • ¼ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cup of ground cherries, husks removed and rinsed clean
  • A pinch of salt


  • In a cast iron skillet, heat the butter to bubbling over low to medium heat. Add the ginger and stir constantly, so it doesn’t stick. After about 30 seconds, add the ground cherries and turn up the heat to medium-high.
  • Let the ground cherries sit in the hot skillet until the bottoms begin to brown and blister. Stir them and remove when the ground cherries have softened and are just starting to pop. Season to taste with salt.
  • Spread the hot ground cherries over the top of lightly toasted slices of bread and serve immediately.

8. Ground Cherry Chutney

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (11)

If you can make jam or butter out of it, chances are you can make a chutney out of it too. And ground cherries are no exception. If you’re not on the chutney bandwagon yet, let me help you aboard. Chutney is made a bit like jam but is often chunkier.

And while they’re generally sweet, they also have a tartness to them from the addition of vinegar. I like to tell my kiddos that chutneys are like sweet and sour jam.

You can easily double the recipe to make a bigger batch. And you can process it in half-pint and quarter-pint jars using the water bath canning method.


  • 4 cups ground cherries, husks removed and rinsed clean
  • ¾ cup packed brown sugar
  • ¾ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 1/3 cup chopped red onion
  • 2 tsp mustard seed
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  • ¼ tsp salt


  • In a large saucepan, add all ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally as the mixture reduces.
  • As the chutney gets thicker, stir continuously, so it doesn’t scorch.
  • The chutney is done when it mounds on a spoon and is no longer watery. It takes between 30 and 40 minutes to thicken.
  • Refrigerate the finished chutney if you want to enjoy it right away.


  • To preserve your chutney, prepare half-pint or quarter-pint jars by heating them in a water bath canner to 180 degrees.
  • Remove one jar at a time, pouring the hot water back into the canner, and fill the jar using a jar funnel. Leave ½” of headspace and stir with a wooden skewer to release any trapped air. Top up if needed and wipe the rim of the jar with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Put a new, heated lid on the jar and add the band, tightening until it’s finger-tight. Place the filled jar in the canner and proceed with the rest of the jars and chutney.
  • Always be sure there is one to two inches of water covering your jars. Place the lid on the canner and bring the jars to a boil. Process at a boil for 10 minutes. Then turn the heat off and remove the lid.
  • After five minutes, remove the processed chutney to a dry towel and allow them to sit, undisturbed for 24 hours.
  • Remove the bands, add a label, and enjoy.

9. Ground Cherry Gin and Tonic

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (12)

At one of the farmer’s markets where I bought ground cherries, the gentleman farmer told me I was missing out on the best way to enjoy these little golden sweets.

He assured me that the very best way to use ground cherries was muddled in a gin and tonic.

Naturally, I had to put his suggestion to the test. What can I say? I do it all for you, dear reader. I want to be able to provide you with the best information.

And I have to say he might be right. The sweet-tart flavor of the ground cherries blended well with the classic gin and tonic combo. I simply muddled a handful of ground cherries in with the ice before adding the rest of my gin and tonic ingredients. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

There you go. I hope you make a few of these and enjoy them as much as I did. I’m sure you’ll have a lot fewer ground cherries on your hands if you do. And you’ll probably have a small mountain of the husks too. Toss the husks in your compost bin and go have yourself a slice of ground cherry coffee cake. You deserve it.

And don’t forget that if you’d like an endless supply of delicious ground cherries every summer, then grow your own. Each plant produces hundreds of sweet fruits. Read our guide to growing your own below:

How To Grow Ground Cherries: 100s Of Fruits Per Plant

9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (14)

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9 Tempting Ground Cherry Recipes + The Best Way To Enjoy Them (2024)


What are some fun facts about ground cherries? ›

These fruits are considered a good source of antioxidants and have moderate levels of Vitamin C and niacin. All fruits in the Physalis genus are toxic when unripe, and can even be fatal if ingested in large amounts. The husks, leaves and stems are also toxic, making the plants a danger to pets and livestock.

What not to plant next to ground cherries? ›

Nightshade family plants compete for soil resources and attract similar pests. Don't plant ground cherries with eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, or potatoes. Ground cherries are notorious self-seeders.

What can ground cherries be used for? ›

Groundcherries are often used as a decorative garnish in desserts. Add them to a fruit salad or dip them in chocolate for a special treat. They can also be baked into a crisp or clafoutis, and they make a great jam! Groundcherries can also be substituted for green tomatoes and used in salsa, ketchup or chutney.

Can you eat too many ground cherries? ›

Unripe ground cherries are sour and contain solanine and solanidine, both of which are toxic compounds. In small amounts these can cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. They can be dangerous if eaten in moderate to high amounts.

Are ground cherries healthy? ›

The ground cherry isn't just delicious it's also nutritious. In one cup (140 grams) the ground cherry offers 74 calories, 1 gram of fat, 3 grams of protein, and 16 grams of carbohydrates (4 grams of which is dietary fiber). The ground cherry is an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and B-3 (Niacin).

What are 5 facts about cherries? ›

Page 1
  • Cherries are a fruit that come in two types: sweet and tart. The most common sweet cherry is the Bing cherry. ...
  • Cherries are a good source of anthocyanin which is an antioxidant that gives cherries their red color. Antioxidants help fight inflammation, promote heart health and brain health.

What is the problem with ground cherries? ›

Common Pests and Diseases

Ground cherries are not susceptible to many bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases. However, plants do occasionally suffer damage from flea beetles, whiteflies, ground cherry leaf beetles, and mites.

Do ground cherry plants come back every year? ›

Do ground cherries come back every year? Ground cherries are grown as annuals so the same plants won't come back but they reseed themselves prolifically. To prevent ground cherry seedlings from popping up all over your garden, harvest all the fruit and remove any that has dropped to the ground.

Do ground cherries need to be refrigerated? ›

Ground cherries drop to the ground when ready to pick. Easy peasy. The cherries will still be a little green when they fall, so leaving them in a bowl for a few days (or about a week) will give them a chance to turn yellow. Remove the papery sheath and store in the fridge until ready to use.

How do you eat ground cherries? ›

Ground cherries more closely resemble tomatillos and Chinese lanterns, which are also nightshades, but are surprisingly sweet. While there are some dessert recipes using ground cherries, they can simply be added to salads or eaten on their own. Just remove the husk and enjoy.

Do you have to wash ground cherries? ›

There are yellow, green and purple varieties. The fruits are typically less than two inches wide. Inside the papery husk, a sticky film covers the fruit that you must wash off before use. Tomatillo plants can grow to be quite big and take up more space than tomato plants.

Do ground cherries do well in containers? ›

However, they will grow just as well staked as they do sprawling. Ground cherries make a great container plant.

How to tell when a ground cherry is ripe? ›

Expect ripened fruit from late summer through autumn. Usually, fruits will ripen ten to eleven weeks after transplanting outdoors. The ground cherry fruit, a berry, ripens inside its husk. Then the beige to tan papery husk holding the berry falls to the ground.

Can you freeze ground cherries? ›

Ground Cherry Preparation & Storage Tips

With their calyx removed, they can be stored refrigerated for weeks. They freeze well for year-round use. To freeze, remove husk, rinse, pat dry and freeze on cookie sheet in 1 layer. When frozen, loosen and store in ziplock, freezer weight bag.

Will ground cherries ripen after picking? ›

The fruit is ripe when the papery husk turns light brown and translucent and the golden berries are visible through the husk. The fruit does not continue to ripen after harvest, so for groundcherries, any unripe fruit that fall on the ground can be discarded.

Why are they called ground cherries? ›

The round, half-inch, ripe fruits are harvested after dropping to the ground. Ground cherries are related to tomatoes. They are first cousins to tomatillos and ornamental Chinese lanterns. The groundcherry's genus name, Physalis, means bladder, which refers to the inflated husk around the fruit.

What bugs eat ground cherries? ›

Ground cherries are not susceptible to many bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases. However, plants do occasionally suffer damage from flea beetles, whiteflies, ground cherry leaf beetles, and mites.

How long do ground cherries keep? ›

Harvest the fruit once the husk is dry and papery (remove the husks before eating). Store ground cherries in a mesh bag in their husks, in a cool spot, for up to 2 weeks.

Are all ground cherries edible? ›

Only the fruit produced by these plants are edible, with the exception of potatoes, where we consume the tubers. I've been growing ground cherries for most of my gardening career. However, I discovered there were differences between many of the varieties that I grew. Some fruit were larger than others and some sweeter.

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